The Effect of Obesity and Other Factors towards on the Increased Risk of Rheumatism in Indonesia (Analysis of IFLS 2014)

Nuraini Nuraini (1) , Amrina Rosyada (2)
(1) Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Public Health, Sriwijaya University , Indonesia
(2) Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Public Health, Sriwijaya University , Indonesia


The number of people with rheumatism worldwide has reached 355 million, and this is estimated by 2025, suggesting that more than 25% will experience paralysis. This study aims to determine obesity and other factors related to the increased risk of rheumatic diseases in Indonesia, the method used was data analysis using a complex sample survey. It used 2014 IFLS data and a cross sectional study design, as well as a multistage random sampling with a total of 29,106 respondents, and the results showed that the prevalence of rheumatic disease in Indonesia was 5.2% in 2014. The most dominant and unmodifiable variable that influenced incidence was gender (PR=1.686; 95% CI=1.488-1.910). Meanwhile, obesity is the most dominant and modifying variable that influences the incidence of rheumatic disease (PR=1.630; 95% CI=1.433-1.855). Factors that are simultaneously related to the increased risk of rheumatic diseases include age, gender, education, physical activity, protein consumption, obesity, and accident history. Considering the results, patients need to eat healthy and low purine foods, as well as implementing other healthy lifestyles such as appropriate, adequate, and regular physical activities in order to reduce the risk of rheumatism.

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Nuraini Nuraini
Amrina Rosyada (Primary Contact)
Nuraini N, Rosyada A. The Effect of Obesity and Other Factors towards on the Increased Risk of Rheumatism in Indonesia (Analysis of IFLS 2014). JIKM [Internet]. 2021 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];12(1):77-8. Available from:

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