The Determinants of Stunting Incidence in Children Aged 24-59 Months

Sri Agusty Putri (1) , Ade Kartikasari Sebba (2) , Asmuni Asmuni (3)
(1) Public Health Department, Institute of Health Science Bina Bangsa Majene , Indonesia
(2) Public Health Department, Institute of Health Science Bina Bangsa Majene , Indonesia
(3) Public Health Department, Institute of Health Science Bina Bangsa Majene , Indonesia


Majene Regency has the second highest prevalence of stunting in West Sulawesi by having the highest number of cases found in the village of Rangas. Due to these reasons, it is necessary to research the determinants of stunting, so the studies are expected to provide input to the Majene district government in conducting interventions related to stunting. A case-control study design was used. The subjects were the children aged 12-59 months who lived in the Rangas Village which the children under five years diagnosed stunting based on measurements from the Nutrition Executors (NE) of the Public Health Center. Meanwhile, the controls were children under five years who had not been diagnosed stunting based on measurements from the Nutrition Executors (NE) of the Public Health Center. The samples were 72 respondents with a ratio of 1:1, and the under-five children's mothers as the research respondents. Purposive sampling was used. The stunting data was obtained from the health office, while the identity of the respondents, the characteristics of the mothers, and the characteristics of the children under five years were carried out directly by interview using a questionnaire and strengthened by Mother and Child Health (MCH) Book. Data analysis used the chi-Square test and multiple logistic regression tests. Multivariate analysis results showed that the incidence of stunting was influenced by several factors, including parity (OR=30.40; 95%CI: 3.86-239.43), Maternal Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) history < 23.5 cm during pregnancy (OR=2.41; 95%CI: 1.04-5.56) and not exclusive breastfeeding (OR=3.21; 95%CI: 1.29-7.94). The conclusion of this study is parity, a history of maternal MUAC during pregnancy, and not exclusive breastfeeding are risk factors for stunting in children under five years in Banggai District. Therefore, it is necessary to improvement of health promotion strategy for pregnant women by maximizing the first 1000 days of life and campaign two healthy children needs to be maximized.

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Sri Agusty Putri (Primary Contact)
Ade Kartikasari Sebba
Asmuni Asmuni
Putri SA, Sebba AK, Asmuni A. The Determinants of Stunting Incidence in Children Aged 24-59 Months . JIKM [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 19 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];13(3):306-20. Available from:

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