COVID-19 Prevention in Public Transport: A Qualitative Study

Putri Winda Lestari (1) , Agung Cahyono Triwibowo (2) , Lulus Suci Hendrawati (3)
(1) Binawan University, Indonesia , Indonesia
(2) Binawan University, Indonesia , Indonesia
(3) Binawan University, Indonesia , Indonesia


Human mobility has the potential to act as a vector for the spread of infectious agents. Efforts to prevent COVID-19 in the transportation sector must be carried out correctly. This research aims to find out the description of COVID-19 prevention behavior on public transportation. This is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The study was conducted in Jabodetabek. The variable in this study was the prevention of COVID-19 on public transportation. This study’s informants are public transportation users selected by purposive sampling. Data were collected by conducting in-depth interviews, analyzed using the Content Analysis method, and presented in a narrative for interpretation. Atlas. ti was used to transcribe the results of in-depth interviews with informants. The findings indicate that not all modes of public transportation have the optimal level of COVID-19 prevention. Prevention of COVID-19 that is common on some public conveyance includes wearing a mask, vaccination status check, checking body temperature, hand washing facilities or hand sanitizers, and physical distancing rules. There are rules for the commuter line: do not talk while on the commuter line. Airplanes are required to have a negative PCR test. Masks and the social distancing scheme are carried out in Jaklingko and Busway (Transjakarta).COVID-19 prevention in microlets is still not optimal because keeping a distance is difficult because the reduction in passengers will affect the drivers’ income. It is hoped that the public will comply with the behavior of preventing COVID-19 in public transportation, and the government and related agencies will provide facilities and carry out monitoring and evaluation of the prevention of COVID-19 in public transportation.

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Putri Winda Lestari (Primary Contact)
Agung Cahyono Triwibowo
Lulus Suci Hendrawati
Lestari PW, Triwibowo AC, Hendrawati LS. COVID-19 Prevention in Public Transport: A Qualitative Study. JIKM [Internet]. 2023 Jan. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];13(3):362-75. Available from:

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